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dc.contributor.authorОлифирович, Наталья Ивановна-
dc.contributor.authorКоптева, Светлана Ивановна-
dc.description.abstractThe article is dedicated to the problem of higher educational institutions socially- pedagogical and psychological services activity. The services research results of 2007 and 2009 are described in the article. The specific character of different activities such as psychological diagnostic, psychological consultation, psychological education, psychological preventive maintenance, and psychological correction is analyzed. The average data of the number of employees and students occupied in different activities of service is cited. The authors consider higher educational institutions nonobservance of recommended standards of the service employee number according to the number of students, the absence of all the services uniform methodical coordinating centre, and also services inclusions in the structure of educational work management to be the problems of the psychological service functioning.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesВесці БДПУ. Сер. 1, Педагогіка. Псіхалогія. Філалогія;N 1. - С. 34-38-
dc.subjectиздания БГПУru_RU
dc.subjectпроцесс воспитательныйru_RU
dc.subjectпроцесс учебно-воспитательныйru_RU
dc.subjectслужба социально-психологическаяru_RU
dc.subjectсоциальная психологияru_RU
dc.subjectсоциально-психологическая службаru_RU
dc.subjectобразование высшее профессиональноеru_RU
dc.titleСпецифика деятельности социально-психологической службы в учебно-воспитательном процессе вузаru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации первого проректора

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