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2021Formation of professional competencies of a teacher-defectologist in the process of teaching special educational disciplinesNaumenko, Oksana; Науменко, Оксана Анатольевна
2021Glossary by academic discipline "Fundamentals of the methodology of correctional and developmental work: the basics of the methodology of correctional and developmental work with children with severe and (or) multiple physical and (or) mental disorders"Гаманович, Виктория Эдуардовна
2021Difficulties in mastering mathematics at the initial stage of school education in children with severe speech disordersNaumenko, Oksana; Науменко, Оксана Анатольевна
2021Specyfika działalności organizacji pozarządowych niosących wsparcie dzieciom niepełnosprawnym - na przykładzie Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Dzieci. Krótki rys historycznySalauyova, Aksana; Соловьева, Оксана Петровна
2021Lecture: Regulatory and legal framework of activities of the teacher-defectologistZhmachynskaya, Natallia; Жмачинская, Наталья Леонидовна
2021Lecture: Special educational needs of children with developmental disabilitiesZhmachynskaya, Natallia; Жмачинская, Наталья Леонидовна
2021Conditions for using the project method in inclusive educationNaumenko, Oksana; Науменко, Оксана Анатольевна