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dc.contributor.authorRusakovich, Irina-
dc.contributor.authorРусакович, Ирина Кузьминична-
dc.description.abstractThe presentation contains the results of a scientific study on the formation of communicative-speech behavior of adolescents with hearing impairment. The paper reveals the essence of the concept of “communicative-speech behavior” and defines the theoretical foundations of its formation in correctional classes on social orientation; the methodology for studying the communicative-speech behavior of adolescents with hearing impairment is justified; the results of an experimental study are presented, the features of communicative-speech behavior of adolescents with hearing impairment, students of the second department program, are revealed; the content of the work on the formation of communicative-speech behavior in adolescents with hearing impairment in correctional classes on social orientation is proposedru_RU
dc.subjectсommunicative-speech behaviorru_RU
dc.subjectstudents with hearing impairmentru_RU
dc.titleТhe formation of communicative-speech behavior of students with hearing impairment in correctional sessions "social orientation"ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Учебные издания института инклюзивного образования

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