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dc.contributor.authorKorzun, B. V.-
dc.contributor.authorSobol, V. R.-
dc.contributor.authorMyndyk, M.-
dc.contributor.authorŠepelák, V.-
dc.contributor.authorBecker, K. D.-
dc.description.abstractThe interaction in theCuFeS2-δ–CuInS2system by means of Mössbauer studies and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) was studied using two series of alloys for δ=0 and δ=0.10 prepared from ternary compounds CuFeS2- δ and CuInS2 by a three stage solid state synthesis. XRPD revealed the absence of complete solubility in the CuFeS2-δ–CuInS2 and showed that the limit of solubility for CuInS2-based alloys is 0.05 molar part and exceeds the limit of solubility for CuFeS2-δ-based alloys (0.03 molar part).Mössbauer spectra of the CuFeS2-δ–CuInS2 alloys in the two-field range for both δ=0 and δ=0.10 can be fitted by two components, a sextet and a doublet, indicating two different positions of iron atoms in the crystal lattice.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit Phoenix, AZ, USA. April 17–21;-
dc.subjectMössbauer studiesru_RU
dc.subjectCuFeS2-δ–CuInS2 systemru_RU
dc.titleMössbauer studies of the CuFeS2-δ–CuInS2 systemru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации физико-математического факультета

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