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dc.contributor.authorGordeiko, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorГордейко, Владимир Викторович-
dc.description.abstractThe content of this paper is research results of spatial thinking in visually impaired children at the age of primary school. The spatial thinking is a kind of mental activity which includes creating spatial images and operating with them in the process of solving different practical and theoretical problems. The spatial thinking forming has very important correctional value for visually impaired schoolchildren as its high level provides children progress in mathematics, geometry and geography etc.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNew Visions: Mowing Toward an Inclusive Community: Proceedings of 11th ICEVI World Conference;-
dc.subjectspatial thinkingru_RU
dc.subjectvisually impaired childrenru_RU
dc.titleThe peculiarities of the spatial thinking in visually impaired childrenru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации института инклюзивного образования

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