Пожалуйста, используйте этот идентификатор, чтобы цитировать или ссылаться на этот ресурс: http://elib.bspu.by/handle/doc/15115
Название: Nonlinear high-frequency effects in metals at heating skin layer
Авторы: Sobol, V. R.
Frantskevich, N. V.
Ключевые слова: БГПУ
abnormal skinning
normal skinning
Fermi velocity
phase velocity
surface reflection
Дата публикации: 2004
Серия/номер: 11th «Foundation & Advances in Nonlinear Science» Conference-School. Minsk, 2004;pp. 90–93
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The influence of the wave self-magnetic field on a movement of carriers and high-frequency current is considered under conditions when a wave phase velocity in metal is smaller than the Fermi velocity. It is shown that the existence of electrical nonlinearity of magnetodynamic nature is possible. In other words the nonlinear corrections in material equations are caused by influence of a magnetic field on moving charge carriers. The character of influence of degree of particle reflection diffuseness on impedance is considered. It is shown that as opposed to usual Reiter-Sondheimer approximation in a mode of nonlinear dynamic connection the high-frequency current at a surface of metal is different at mirror and diffuse reflection of charge carriers. Conditions at which the external magnetic field results to skin-electron heating are determined.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://elib.bspu.by/handle/doc/15115
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации физико-математического факультета

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