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dc.contributor.authorПолонников, Александр Андреевич-
dc.contributor.authorКорчалова, Наталья Дмитриевна-
dc.contributor.authorPołonnikow, Aleksander-
dc.contributor.authorKorczałowa, Natalia-
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on the current education crisis treated as a crisis of the relevant pedagogical discourse. The authors claim that in the context of dynamic cultural changes the refraction of educational descriptions’ forms is becoming a factor of the educational development blockade. According to the authors, the transformation of the pedagogical discourse that stops this kind of blockade is in line with a radical change of the subject field of pedagogy. This concerns, in the first place, the change of the way of educational reality’s scaling, focusing the pedagogical attention on the ‘molar’ level of education performance as well as the processes of education semiosis and micro-changes that are in place in it. Apart from that, discourse changes indicate the connection with denaturalisation and dereification of educational phenomena that manifest their discursive and opportunistic nature in the new description. Finally, in the new description, the nature of educational processes is radically changed: learning manifests the connection with the loss of capability learning, teaching – with self-experimenting, sign acquisition – with its elimination, whereas identifying oneself with the other – with the others becoming estrange and different. In the latter case, it is about the transformation of otherness realization mode, as well as specific constitution of education subject and forming a special relationship between a student’s position and an imagined Other, his/her concentration on himself/herself due to lack of the Other whose availability or non-availability enables to discover and change the meaning of the student’s current position and semiotic relations realised by him/her.ru_RU
dc.publisherUniversity of Warsaw Pressru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesKwartalnik pedagogiczny;№ 1 (251)-
dc.subjectиздания БГПУru_RU
dc.subjectрedagogy’s non-anthropocentric fundamentalsru_RU
dc.subjecteducational semiogenesisru_RU
dc.subject«symbolic effectiveness»ru_RU
dc.subject«Imagined Other»ru_RU
dc.titleUczyć się od... «wyimaginowanego Innego»ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации института психологии

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