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dc.contributor.authorЛобанов, Александр Павлович-
dc.contributor.authorДроздова, Наталия Валерьевна-
dc.contributor.authorРадчикова, Наталья Павловна-
dc.description.abstractUndergraduate and master students (N=217) were tested on Tuning Questionnaire on Competences. Factor analysis was performed in order to check the competence structure, 2-way ANOVA was done to determine the hierarchy of competences in different groups. Factor analysis shows that to identify three main categories of competences (instrumental, interpersonal, and systemic) is not sufficient: 60% of total variance is explained by 9 factors. Significant interaction between academic group and generic competences’ categories (F(4,396)=19.59; p<0.0001) shows that hierarchy configuration is determined by different significance of instrumental and interpersonal competences for undergraduate and graduate students while systemic competences remain without change.ru_RU
dc.publisherГаброво: ЕКС-ПРЕСru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТеория и практика на психолого-педагогическата подготовка на специалиста в университета : сб. с научни доклади : в 2 кн. ; ред. кол. : Е. Рангеловой [и др.]. – Габрово : ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2016. – 2 кн. – С. 105 –110;-
dc.subjectиздания БГПУru_RU
dc.subjectкомпетентностный подходru_RU
dc.subjectуниверсальные компетенцииru_RU
dc.subjectпроект Тюнингru_RU
dc.titleУниверсальные компетенции студентов и магистрантов : динамика и структураru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации факультета социально-педагогических технологий

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