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dc.contributor.authorTashlykov, I. S.-
dc.contributor.authorKasperovich, V. I.-
dc.contributor.authorShadrukhin, M. G.-
dc.contributor.authorKasperovich, A. V.-
dc.contributor.authorWolf, G. K.-
dc.contributor.authorWesch, W.-
dc.description.abstractThe problems of the friction of elastomer articles in contact with other parts, involved in a rotating or reciprocating motion, mould release and mould fouling in rubber industry have prompted research into the deposition of metal layers on rubber. In this paper, the surface layer and the interface formed by self-ion-assisted deposition (SIAD) of metals (Me) on vulcanized synthetic rubber are examined with the aim of understanding better the factors that influence the adhesion. The level of adhesion between the deposited layer and rubber was measured using the Pin Pull Test method. The SIAD modified surfaces were examined using RBS and electron diffraction techniques. The results revealed that the composition of the Me-based layers deposited on rubber in conjunction with self-ion irradiation exhibited many component content of coating and a weak dependence on metal species. The layer consists of Me, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen derived from the residual vacuum and vacuum oil and silicon from isolators of electrodes in an ion source. It was found that the species of Me exerts a strong influence on the friction of elastomer against steel and on the bonding between the coating and rubber. The work concludes that the adhesion between the rubber and the coating depends upon the chosen compound coating and can be controlled variably.ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSurface and Coatings Technology;116–119, pp. 848–852-
dc.subjectself-ion-assisted deposition layersru_RU
dc.titleElastomer treatment by arc metal deposition assisted with self-ion irradiationru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации физико-математического факультета

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