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dc.contributor.authorСавостёнок, Пётр Николаевич-
dc.contributor.authorЗабавская, Т. О.-
dc.contributor.authorМинова, М. Е.-
dc.description.abstractIn article theoretical, methodical and organizational aspects of development of social activity of teenagers in children's associations on the interests, functioning on the basis of additional education establishments are considered. The basic maintenance, methods and forms of development of social activity of teenagers-participants of children's associations is described. Methodical recommendations about the organisation of purposeful and effective development of social activity of teenagers in the conditions of additional education establishment are offered.ru_RU
dc.publisherРУП "Адукацыя і выхаванне" ; Міністэрства адукацыі РБru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesКіраванне ў адукацыі;№ 3-
dc.subjectсоциальная активностьru_RU
dc.subjectдетские объединенияru_RU
dc.subjectинновационная деятельностьru_RU
dc.subjectдетские объединения по интересамru_RU
dc.subjectтехнологии и методики развития социальной активности подростковru_RU
dc.titleРазвитие социальной активности подростков в детских объединенияхru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы центра дополнительного образования "Альтернатива"

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