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dc.contributor.authorЧикалова, Ирина Ромуальдовна-
dc.identifier.citationChikalova, I. Gender Policy in the Program Directives of Democrats and Republicans in the USA in the 1970–1990s / I. Chikalova // Гендер и политические партии / Gender and Political Parties. – Алматы: Институт развития Казахстана, 2004. – P. 279–297.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractGender Policy in the Program Directives of Democrats and Republicans in the USA in the 1970–1990sru_RU
dc.publisherАлматы: Институт развития Казахстанаru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries;P. 279–297-
dc.subjectgender policyru_RU
dc.subjectprogram directivesru_RU
dc.subjectDemocrats and Republicansru_RU
dc.subjectthe 1970–1990sru_RU
dc.titleChikalova I. Gender Policy in the Program Directives of Democrats and Republicans in the USA in the 1970–1990s // Гендер и политические партии / Gender and Political Parties. – Алматы: Институт развития Казахстана, 2004. – P. 279–297.ru_RU
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