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dc.contributor.authorУрбан, Мария Анатольевна-
dc.contributor.authorВасилевска, Дайна-
dc.descriptionUrban, M. “Conflict of Goals” as a Barrier for Effective Use of Visual Models in Primary Math Education / M. Urban, D. Vasilevska // Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP). Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference, 7th – 8th May 2021. “Conflict of Goals” as a Barrier for Effective Use of Visual Models in Primary Math Education.– P. 234–239.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe formation of the ability to solve non-trivial life problems is one of the tasks of school education in the context of achieving sustainable development goals. In the process of teaching mathematics, one of the most effective ways to find solutions to problems is modelling – a teaching method that not only helps students to consciously assimilate mathematical content, but also forms the basis for self-study throughout life. Teachers can use active and passive techniques for working with visual models in mathematics lessons, which differ in the degree of children’s participation in building a visual model. The main goal of this article is to identify which techniques of working with visual models teachers in practice prefer in mathematics lessons. To achieve this goal, the questionnaire method, the multi-criteria assessment method, and the moderation method were applied. This article presents the results of a study devoted to identifying teachers’ preferred methods of working with visual models when conducting mathematics lessons, identifying their theoretical ideas about the value of each group of techniques, as well as establishing the reasons for the revealed discrepancy between the practical preferences of teachers and their theoretical ideas.ru_RU
dc.publisherJelgava : Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologiesru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP);P. 234–239.-
dc.subjectVisualization in mathematics educationru_RU
dc.subjectvisual modelsru_RU
dc.subjectteaching techniquesru_RU
dc.subjectprimary mathematics educationru_RU
dc.title“Conflict of Goals” as a Barrier for Effective Use of Visual Models in Primary Math Educationru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации факультета начального образования

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