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dc.contributor.authorЦерковский, Александр Леонидович-
dc.description.abstractThe article provides an analysis of the main aspects of the critical study of early US literature in post-Soviet literary studies using the works of literary critics by M. Koreneva and E. Stetsenko as an example. The author concludes that the analysis of the artistic features of early American literature in the light of its spiritual and moral potential continues the tradition of studying US literature through the lens of its Protestant heritage.ru_RU
dc.publisherPrague : Vědecko vydavatelské cen-trum "Sociosféra-CZ"ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesClassical and contemporary literature: continuity and prospects of updating: materials of the III international scientific conference on November 7–8, 2018. – С. 24–26;-
dc.subjectамериканская литератураru_RU
dc.subjectлитература СШАru_RU
dc.subjectпостсоветское литературоведениеru_RU
dc.titleПроблемы ранней литературы США в постсоветском литературоведении: исследования М. Кореневой и Е. Стеценкоru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации филологического факультета

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